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Thrive Rural TOC
Charlie Alfero, a white man, headshot
Charlie Alfero

Executive Advisor, The Center for Health Innovation

Using the Thrive Rural Framework: Gauging Progress

The Thrive Rural Framework can help you set goals and track progress over time. You can use this information to...

Case Study
A Common Bond: Issues and Responses in South Carolina’s Coastal Tourism Development

This paper represents effort by the Palmetto Conservation Foundation to bring issues in coastal tourism in South Carolina into focus.

Case Study
Report cover
Idigenous Oaxacan Migrants in California Agriculture: A New Cycle of Poverty: A Request for Supplement Funding to REPP and the Ford Foundation

Report provides findings and research progress in survey of Mixtec farm workers in the Western United States.

Flooded road in rural America
Support Local Efforts for Eastern Kentucky

See our curated list of local resources and organizations aiding relief and recovery in Eastern Kentucky.

report cover
New Partnerships for Industrial Efficiency and Growth: Selected Best Practices

Report presents four of the most progressive industrial energy-efficiency programs in order to provide insight for future programs.

Staff Member
Devin Deaton

Action Learning Manager

Aspen CSG in Action

We approach all of our work with a humble and curious mindset, eager to learn and collaborate.

Report cover
Rural Workforce 2000: Skill Upgrading and the Rural Economy, 1970-2000

Report seeks to address the importance of upgrading the skill levels of rural works to match the skill levels of available jobs.

Broadband technician working
Designing Scalable Co-Funding Solutions for Broadband and Digital Equity

Dec. 12th, 2023, 5PM

Join this webinar for way to unlock private and philanthropic contributions to help public broadband and digital inclusion funding reach underserved communities.

Agricultural fields at sunrise
Advancing the Next Generation of Rural and Indigenous Leaders

Feb. 10th, 2023, 1PM

How is your community thinking and acting on the issue of next generation leadership?

report cover
101 Ideas For Stimulating Rural Entrepreneurship and New Business Development

Report outlines ways States can stimulate business development by nurturing and rewarding entrepreneurial activity.