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Rural Family Economic Success: Community Action Workbook

Guidebook is intended to promote Rural Family Economic Success (RuFES) model for helping community development practitioners and policymakers consider ways in which low-income working families can improve their livelihood.

A summer street festival, with vendors under canopies on a hot day.
Recent Learnings from (and for) the Rural Field

New opportunities with value to rural and Native nation communities are being generated across fields, from public health to environmental justice and beyond. Check out a few ideas and opportunities to help spur equitable rural prosperity in your community.

An Analysis of Rural Wastewater Facility Financing

Report is an effort to clarify the wastewater facility needs of rural and rural poor communities to assess the outlook for addressing these needs in light of changing environmental regulations.

Firefighters standing with firetruck
Building Development Muscle in Rural Communities

Nov. 30th, 2021, 3PM

It is often said that rural and tribal communities and organizations need more capacity to fully engage or solve problems in their regions. But what, exactly, equals “capacity”?

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Aligned Rural Fields and Actors

It's necessary for rural fields and actors to share a common definition of equitable development and align their strategies to achieve those outcomes.

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Income & Employment Generation Among the Disadvantaged

Report seeks to author a variety of program and sustainability strategies to foster poverty alleviation.

Natural disaster response workers moving sand bags
Disaster Planning and Rural Resilience

Flooding, tornadoes, drought, wildfire, and other extreme weather events cause major disruption and damage wherever they occur and have potential...

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Changing Rural Labor Force Demographics

This report highlights and synthesizes knowledge of labor force and employment trends

Coworkers calculating data
Strategies for Economic Sustainability for Rural Communities

Discover approaches for economic sustainability for rural communities. Explore ways to do outdoor recreation development differently.

The White House graphic logo
Child Tax Credit & Earned Income Tax Credit Toolkit

This White House toolkit provides information on receiving the two tax credits.

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Pioneers of Progress: Community Development, Volume 1

Report on Economic Development in Rural America, particularly in relation to entrepreneurship.

Research Brief
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The Case of Rural UDAG Grants

Document provides background into nature of Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG), differentiated from other programs in that the grants require letters of commitment from the developer and at least 2.5 dollars of private investment for every dollar of UDAG funds.