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Report Cover
Winners and Losers on the NAFTA “Fast Track”

Paper asserts that the most negatively affected economic sector that would be affected by the North American Free Trade Agreement will be rural, in both the United States and Mexico.

Report Cover
Small Business Rural Banks: Assessing and Strengthening the Link

This research report focuses on issue of loaning credit to small enterprises.

Thrive Rural NAC
Roque Barros, a man of color, headshot
Roque Barros

Director, Ford Institute for Community Building at the Ford Family Foundation

The Thrive Rural Framework
Thrive Rural Framework Overview

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...

report cover
Industrial Restructuring and the Growth of Low Wage Work in the Rural U.S.

Report examines the contribution of industrial change to the growth of low wage work in the rural United States.

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Every Step Seems Down: The Chaos of Labor Market Entry and Promotion

Argument examines the labor market from the perspective of working families and argues need to change dramatically how labor market think about "good jobs."

Regional and Rural Development

Aspen CSG shapes the principles and practices of regional wealth building as the means to better economic development policy and...

Report Cover
Rural Development Councils: Preliminary Findings and Conclusions

Report reflects the experience of the eight Rural Development Councils initiated as part of the Federal Rural Initiative that provides a baseline of information on the organization and early development of the effort.