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President seal logo and USDA logo
substance use disorder and opioid misuse Community Toolkit

This community toolbox gathers federal resources to help communities address substance use disorder and opioid misuse.

Southwest IAF Vision for Work

Document presents platform of Southwest IAF.

Staff Member
Lakota Vogel, a white woman, headshot
Lakota Vogel

Executive Director, Four Bands Community Fund

Research Brief
Report cover
The Case of Rural UDAG Grants

Document provides background into nature of Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG), differentiated from other programs in that the grants require letters of commitment from the developer and at least 2.5 dollars of private investment for every dollar of UDAG funds.

Rooting a new rural legacy report cover
Stewardship + Equity: Rooting a New Rural Legacy

Rural and Native communities have been stewarding the land for generations. Many are developing new ways of growing nature and...

report cover
How Strategic Development Organizations Can Be Effective for State Governments

This report seeks to examine state economic development policy processes in terms of effectiveness.

Thrive Rural TOC
Charlie Alfero, a white man, headshot
Charlie Alfero

Executive Advisor, The Center for Health Innovation

People smiling at the table with notepads and pens
Resources for Rural Communities

Aspen CSG serves as a connecting hub for equitable rural community and economic development. We design and facilitate action-inducing peer learning among rural practitioners, national and regional organizations, and policymakers. We build networks, foster collaboration, and advance best practices from the field.

Case Study
A Common Bond: Issues and Responses in South Carolina’s Coastal Tourism Development

This paper represents effort by the Palmetto Conservation Foundation to bring issues in coastal tourism in South Carolina into focus.

Case Study
Report cover
Idigenous Oaxacan Migrants in California Agriculture: A New Cycle of Poverty: A Request for Supplement Funding to REPP and the Ford Foundation

Report provides findings and research progress in survey of Mixtec farm workers in the Western United States.

A Few Things to Know Abut Rural America report page
A Few Things to Know About Rural America

Knowing what is true about rural places and people is a challenge. Too often, people lump all of rural America...

report cover
New Partnerships for Industrial Efficiency and Growth: Selected Best Practices

Report presents four of the most progressive industrial energy-efficiency programs in order to provide insight for future programs.