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Organize an Action Infrastructure
Communities have the local and regional institutions, policies, systems, data, information, media, and resources needed to establish, align and achieve priorities that increase both well-being and equity.
Rural Family Economic Success: Community Action Workbook
Guidebook is intended to promote Rural Family Economic Success (RuFES) model for helping community development practitioners and policymakers consider ways in which low-income working families can improve their livelihood.
An Analysis of Rural Wastewater Facility Financing
Report is an effort to clarify the wastewater facility needs of rural and rural poor communities to assess the outlook for addressing these needs in light of changing environmental regulations.
Rural Community College Excellence
A new report by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program identifies four pathways that the best rural and Tribal community colleges use to capitalize on strengths and overcome challenges to achieve student success.
Housing Impact Investing by Community Foundations
Apr. 29th, 2024, 2PM
Come share and learn how community foundations are finding innovative ways to use investment portfolios to partner with local developers & increase housing stock.
Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool
This interactive map helps identify disadvantaged communities across the US that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution. The map...
Income & Employment Generation Among the Disadvantaged
Report seeks to author a variety of program and sustainability strategies to foster poverty alleviation.
Changing Rural Labor Force Demographics
This report highlights and synthesizes knowledge of labor force and employment trends
Rural Broadband Infrastructure Resources
A collection of broadband resources for funding, advocacy, and community program opportunities for rural community leaders.
Why Rural Health & Health Equity Advocates Should Unite
Rural health disparities are well documented, as are racial and ethnic health disparities.
Ground Truth from Rural Practitioners
Every day, organizations are working hard to improve the economy and livelihoods of residents in rural and tribal communities in...
Pioneers of Progress: Community Development, Volume 1
Report on Economic Development in Rural America, particularly in relation to entrepreneurship.