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African American man practicing with power band on exercise class in nature.
Pathways to Health Equity: Rural Wellbeing and Regional Assets

How the health equity and economic development fields intersect and can collaborate to bring prosperity to rural communities.

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Analysis of Earnings Inadequacy in Rural US

Paper examines income variations among rural families through examining the ratio of a worker's annual earnings compared to the poverty level for a family of four.

Rural Aperture Project logo
The Rural Aperture Project – Aspen CSG

The Rural Aperture Project from the Center on Rural Innovation is intended to provide all those advancing rural prosperity — from practitioners...

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Prospects for Remote Branch Plant Regions in the International Economy

Paper highlights lack of competition that rural communities provide given out-sourcing and low-wage production sites in developing nations.

Coworkers calculating data
Strategies for Economic Sustainability for Rural Communities

Discover approaches for economic sustainability for rural communities. Explore ways to do outdoor recreation development differently.

Case Study
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Business Finance as a Tool for Development (book)

This book provides insight into successful development finance strategies, focusing on Linked deposit programs, loan guarantee and loan insurance programs, and business and industrial development corporations.

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Lessons from the Temporary Help/Staffing Industry

Document is an executive summary of forthcoming report that examines the presence of the temporary help firm in the labor market.

Foundational Elements graph and explanation
Thrive Rural Framework: Foundational Element

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...

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Tsunami, Phoenix, Tequila Sunset, & Fedex Scenarios

Remarks by Mil Duncan on RSS Session "Rural America, Rural Women, and Public Policy."

Staff Member
Zoraima Diaz, a woman of color, headshot
Zoraima Diaz-Pineda

Director of Policy, Impact and Innovation, cdcb | come dream. come build.

Community Development Philanthropy Insights

Aspen CSG is building the number and capacity of community- and region-focused foundations that are taking leadership on – and...

Report Cover
Rural America and High Technology

Document explores impact of tech industry growth and Rural community capture of job gains.