
Tsunami, Phoenix, Tequila Sunset, & Fedex Scenarios
Remarks by Mil Duncan on RSS Session "Rural America, Rural Women, and Public Policy."

Global Squeeze on Rural America: Opportunities, Threats, and Challenges From NAFTA, GATT, and Processes of Globalization
Public Education Document; Represents the firsts synopsis of the October 1993 discussions at the Aspen Institute's Wye Woods Conference facility on the topic of Globalization process and the potential impacts on Rural America.

Workforce Development: Building Statewide Systems
Paper examines changing labor markets, declining living standards, and the need for modernization of job training programs within workforce development policy.

Southwest IAF Vision for Work
Document presents platform of Southwest IAF.

Globalization and The North American Free Trade Agreement
Index of 1993 Conference "Globalization and the North American Free Trade Agreement:Impact on Rural Communities" Participants and Schedule.

Global Competitors: Local Incentives in Latin America
Paper presents a preliminary report on a project at the University of Texas which was then developing a comprehensive database on regional location incentives and relative regional competiveness.

Globalization and Local Economies Impact
Paper seeks to address the issue of globalization processes from the perspective of local economies.

Health Care Service Utilization for Mixtec Migrant Farmworkers
Report examines barriers to adequate health care for migrant farmworker families from rural, indigenous Mexico.

The Globalization Trend and Its Impacts
Paper points to rise of global trade as consequence of parents firms in multinational networks losing a little of their relative importance in their home economies, especially in manufacturing.

Continental Drift: NAFTA and Its Aftershocks
Report finds that the passage of NAFTA caused lasting effect in low-wage economies in both the United States and Mexico.

Globalization and the North American Free Trade Agreement
Paper seeks to expose the features of the general approach to employment and training in the U.S. and briefly discuss implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for rural areas.

Winners and Losers on the NAFTA “Fast Track”
Paper asserts that the most negatively affected economic sector that would be affected by the North American Free Trade Agreement will be rural, in both the United States and Mexico.