CSG Blog

Shifting Funding to Meet Community Needs

Insights and learnings from rural practitioners and funders on how funders can work to transform their thinking and action to better support their communities.

Steps Towards Equity: Voices from the USDA Equity Commission Report

Aspen CSG's analysis of the USDA Equity Commission's final report, plus quotes and insights from rural development leaders appointed to the commission.

Do New FEMA Rule Changes Align with Equity Principles?

FEMA announced big changes to federal disaster assistance programs. Do these changes create more equitable outcomes for communities after natural disasters?

Broadband technician working
Broadband Resources

A collection of broadband resources for funding, advocacy, and community program opportunities for rural community leaders.

Broadband technician working
Designing Scalable Co-Funding Solutions for Broadband and Digital Equity

Resources and learnings for rural communities to participate in the new federal funding available for high-speed broadband internet.

In It For Rural Resources: A ROADS Event Recap

Resources and learnings from webinar on new federal opportunities for funding and technical assistance for rural America.

Strategies to Address Rural Flooding

Insights from practitioners in rural places experiencing repeated disasters on what it will take to for rural communities to drive their own solutions.

Navigating The Rural Green Economy’s Challenges and Solutions

There are insights and essential lessons for the green economy of the future coming out of rural communities across America.

Natural disaster response workers moving sand bags
Rural Disaster Preparedness: Partnering for Resilience & Resources

Event recap blog with resources and big-picture insights on rural disaster preparedness.

From Competition to Cooperation: Insights on Rural Wealth Creation

Insights from rural practitioners who are advancing equitable prosperity and economic development in a way that embraces and strengthens the unique assets of rural regions.

WealthWorks: A Powerful Tool for Thriving Rural Places

WealthWorks is an approach to doing economic development differently that inspired and continues to inform the Thrive Rural Framework. Learn more about the WealthWorks approach.

collaborating partners
How To Organize a Rural Action Infrastructure

Discussion with rural leaders about working together across interests and regions to take advantage of opportunities.