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Build Momentum

Communities and regions, no matter their starting points, produce and celebrate the small wins and steady progress that fuel hope and persistence.

water running through pipes
Investing in Rural Infrastructure

Aug. 16th, 2021, 3PM

Rural infrastructure strategies on how communities can effectively leverage new federal funding to build thriving rural places.

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Mil Duncan’s Comments on Rural American Policy

Remarks by Mil Duncan on RSS Session "Rural America, Rural Women, and Public Policy."

US state poverty rate map
The Rural Data Portal

The Rural Data Portal is a simple, easy-to-use online resource that provides essential information on the social, economic, and housing characteristics of communities in the United States.

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Poverty & Opportunity Structure in Rural America

Report focuses on State government economic development efforts to rural communities, examining six states' policies and subsequent impact on small agricultural communities.

color-coded map of the United States
Re-envisioning Rural America Tool

This tool classifies rural census tracts by their asset types from the Urban Institute. By illustrating the varied realities of...

Collaborative Strategies for Rural Health & Economic Prosperity

Insights and recommendations to do rural development and rural health differently—moving collectively toward equitable rural development with projects grounded in place and a people-centered vision of community impact.

Case Study
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Rural Strategies & State Development Budget

Paper provides insights from 50 collected interviews with rural development administrators and practitioners in Texas.

Small business owners choosing apples and veggies in box at farmers market.
Advancing Regional Action Infrastructure

Jul. 18th, 2023, 1PM

Learn how rural practitioners are advancing regional action infrastructure and how your community can strengthen regional networks and work across communities.

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Strategies for State-Supported Microenterprise Systems

Report examines the Center for Rural Affairs Rural Enterprise Assistant Project (REAP) in its partnership with Nebraska's Office of Economic Development.

measure up report cover
Measure Up: A Call to Action

Today, we have a generational opportunity to strengthen prosperity and equity in communities and Native nations across the rural United...

Why Advocates for Rural Health and Health Equity Should Work Together

Rural health disparities are well documented, as are racial and ethnic health disparities (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 2020). Evidence...