Rural Knowledge Center

Rural Resources, Insights, and Collaborations by Aspen CSG and Partners

Collaborative Strategies for Rural Health & Economic Prosperity

Insights and recommendations to do rural development and rural health differently—moving collectively toward equitable rural development with projects grounded in place and a people-centered vision of community impact.

Community and Economic Development Topics

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Resource Type

Exploring Migration and Displacement in Rural Communities

Sep. 10th, 2024, 3PM

Join this informal Zoom discussion on what will it take for rural communities to balance new residents, retain longtime residents and cultural traditions, and develop more equitable local economies.

Rural Partnership Program: Addressing Capacity Needs in Rural America

Jun. 24th, 2024, 3PM

Attend this virtual information session to learn how the Farm Bill can strengthen rural capacity and expertise to pursue locally-led solutions.

Logos of partner organizations
The Power of Rural Collaboration and Coalition Building

Jun. 17th, 2024, 4PM

Learn about capacity development, collaboration, and coalition building within rural development.

Housing Impact Investing by Community Foundations

Apr. 29th, 2024, 2PM

Come share and learn how community foundations are finding innovative ways to use investment portfolios to partner with local developers & increase housing stock.

Agricultural fields at sunrise
Funders Shift Thinking to Meet Community Needs

Apr. 11th, 2024, 2PM

Fair treatment and meaningful involvement require agencies and funders to shift gears and meet communities where they are. What does it take to make this shift so that communities are treated fairly and meaningfully involved in the funding process?

Agricultural fields at sunrise
The Injustice of Repeated Flooding

Jan. 30th, 2024, 2PM

What structural challenges keep rural communities from addressing repeated flooding? What will it take for rural communities to drive their own solutions to repeated flooding?

American flag in front of US capitol
What’s in it for rural? Accessing rural resources in the IIJA, CHIPs, and IRA

Jan. 31st, 2024, 2PM

Join this webinar to hear opportunities that are most significant to rural communities in this historic legislation and what can help unlock investment to meet their needs.

Broadband technician working
Designing Scalable Co-Funding Solutions for Broadband Equity

Dec. 12th, 2023, 5PM

Join this webinar for way to unlock private and philanthropic contributions to help public broadband and digital inclusion funding reach underserved communities.

Field Based Rural Placemaking:  What Works Fast, Now, and on a Shoestring

Nov. 2nd, 2023, 2PM

Join this webinar for concrete placemaking strategies and takeaways relevant to rural communities of every size—even the most isolated and least resourced.

Wealth Creation in Rural & Indigenous Places

Sep. 19th, 2023, 2PM

Learn how rural practitioners are advancing equitable prosperity and economic development in a way that embraces and strengthens the unique assets of rural regions.

Natural disaster response workers moving sand bags
Rural Disaster Preparedness: Partnering for Resilience

Aug. 1st, 2023, 2PM

Join this hybrid event to explore how rural communities can be better prepared and be more resilient so that when disaster strikes, not just the entire community but the entire region can band together and ensure a swift recovery.

Small business owners choosing apples and veggies in box at farmers market.
Advancing Regional Action Infrastructure

Jul. 18th, 2023, 1PM

Learn how rural practitioners are advancing regional action infrastructure and how your community can strengthen regional networks and work across communities.