federal policy

Federal Policy Scan: Rebuild Rural America Act 2021
With a new administration in Washington, we can expect many proposals for shifting the direction of rural policy and programming....

Principles for Federal Rural Policy in the COVID-19 Era
This is the first in a two-part blog series on principles, ideas, and implementation considerations essential to ensuring that development...

The Institutional Failure of National U.S. Rural Policy
Document summarizes what the author sees as a failure of rural policy at the federal level, as trapped in an agricultural policy domain.

Economic Development and Commerce Policy State Policy Reports
Report analyzes the impacts of eight rural initiatives put in place under the Bush Administration in 1990.

Project Overview and Survey Results: Introduction to the RDLF/ IRP Evaluation
Purpose of research is to evaluate the Intermediary Relending Program, a business development program operated by FmHA.

An Analysis of FmHA Rural Development Policy & Implementation
Report describes five basic models for delivering federal benefits, and develops thirteen criteria by which these delivery mechanisms can be evaluated.

The Rural Disadvantage: Growing Income Disparities Between Rural and Urban Areas
This paper demonstrates a widening income gap between rural residents and urban residents.

The Case of Rural UDAG Grants
Document provides background into nature of Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG), differentiated from other programs in that the grants require letters of commitment from the developer and at least 2.5 dollars of private investment for every dollar of UDAG funds.

Poverty Research and Policy for Rural America
Paper argues that researchers and policymakers should take what was then a renewed interest in poverty and welfare reform to direct increased attention to rural poverty.

Urban Development Grants to Rural Communities
Paper examines the characteristics of Urban Development Action Grants (UDAGs) to rural communities.